WYSIWYG Text Fields in CLASS

“What you see is what you get” (WYSIWYG) text fields are present in some areas of CLASS. In terms of CLASS like many other web applications with WYSIWYG this means that content that you take i.e. from an external website or on a word document for example will keep its source formatting so: the colours, the font styling and sizing.

In some cases this can also bring unwanted HTML and or CSS code when you Copy paste directly form a website into CLASS which will show up when you go to print something from CLASS if it was pasted into a WYSIWYG text box.

Identifying a WYSIWYG Text Box in CLASS:

WYSIWYG text boxes are identified by their unique tool bar or set of buttons displayed along the top border of said text box. These controls allow for some basic text manipulation as well as Hyperlinking elements i.e. Links to places outside of CLASS on the web or on your SharePoint for example.

These Text Boxes behave differently as mentioned and unlike a regular plain text one like Service Notes here on a Service for a Client (no toolbar):

The same above text was pasted into a WYSIWYG text box “Project Notes” ( Under the Community Module of CLASS) from this website https://loremipsum.io/ and notice the difference below the WYSIWYG text box will retain the formatting and highlighting / styling etc:

  1. The most thorough method though if things still don’t look correct is to first paste the content into a Plain Text Editor this is Notepad on windows machines and TextEdit on Mac computers
    1. So on Windows for example:
      1. Press the windows key then type Notepad and open that program
      2. Ctrl + C to copy your content (or right click copy it)
      3. Now Ctrl + V your content into the notepad (or right click paste it)
      4. Now do a Ctrl + A (or right click select all) and a Ctrl + C (or right click copy)
      5. Now Ctrl + V your content into the CLASS WYSIWYG text box (or right click paste)
    2. On Mac:
      1. On you’re finder look for TextEdit
      2. Now Cmd + C to copy your content (or right click copy it)
      3. Now Cmd + V your content into the notepad (or right click paste it)
      4. Now do a Cmd + A (or right click select all) and a Cmd + C (or right click copy)
      5. Now Cmd+ V your content into the CLASS WYSIWYG text box (or right click paste)

Note: it is recommended that you generally avoid copy pasting content from the web and first Sanatize them as described by point 3 above. 

How to avoid unwanted styling and content in WYSIWYG text boxes:

Sometimes you may want content or styling to come through such as Pasting formatted text from Word directly into the Message Board of Class to better present a Centre wide message.

But other times in particular with fields that can show up within a DIY report such as the Project Notes you may not want any extra or hidden content to come along with your copy paste.

To avoid this there are several options and you should use the one that best suits you:

  1. There is a Keyboard shortcut useable usually anywhere you can copy paste content while using a PC this is different from Ctrl + V or CMD + V
    1. On Windows its Shift + Ctrl + V to paste content as plain text
    2. On MAC its Option + Shift + Ctrl + V to paste content as plain text
  2. If you have a Mouse most browsers, programs etc including CLASS support first Right Clicking then selecting “Paste as Plain Text” from the drop down to avoid unwanted formatting 