Reordering Field Options

For fields listed in Systems Settings / Types and Categories, CLASS Administrators can now reorder the options shown in these fields. 

For example, a Centre may want to place a Problem Type they use all the time at the top of the list so they can find it quickly. 

To see how this works, let’s use Problem Type as an example. 

(PLEASE NOTE, to reorder Problem Types, they will need a code. If there is no code, the Admin will need to create and save a code before reordering.)

First locate the Problem Type field in the list in Types and Categories:

Following the Screenshot above we:

1) Click on System Settings – in the lower left of screen

2) Click on Types – in the upper Left of Screen

3) Locate the Field you wish to reorder and click on it. In our example we will choose Problem Type.

You should then end up on this screen showing the Options for the Problem Type Field:

There are a couple of things to note regarding the screenshot above. The first is that you may or may not arrive on this screen with the options ordered by the Field “Display Order” – which is the column highlighted in the green box above. This is important because it is common to have such lists sorted alphabetically by name, or by code (in the red box above). The Problem type code is not the same as the display order. In this case the code is how certain legal types are grouped, but the Display order lets us shuffle the order while keeping the codes in place. 

To select the correct column to order this list by, simply click on the title of the column, for example click on the Work “Display Order” – this will allow us to clearly see the current order. 

Note: You may be aware that in these CLASS listview screens, if the arrow next to the column title is pointing up, the sorting will be Number 1 or closest to the letter A for alphabetical, will be at the top. If you click the title again the arrow will turn down and the order will be reversed. 

See also the new button marked in purple the screenshot above called “Reorder”. Once we have edited the Display order numbers, we effectively save the change by clicking this Reorder button. The user should then log out and back in again to see the changes take affect. 

In our example – we will choose to Make the Problem Type “1170 DNA Testing” the first option in our Problem Type list. 

We can see in the screenshot above that DNA testing is currently number 25 in the Display Order. It is also worth checking that the option is in fact “Active” (Marked “Yes” in that Column, or order changes wont be seen).  First let’s order by “display order, and scroll to the top. 

Above we can see the Display order begins at the Number 1 for the item Abduction. To make or choose the Number 1 we can move the others to other numbers then change our choice to number one, but it may be faster, especially with large amounts of options like Problem Types, to just move our option to the same number of where we want to be – in this case Number 1. Having more than one option of the same number will still work.

So we scroll down to find the Option we want to change, we could also use the search function under the column names to quickly find the correct Option. In our case – we find DNA testing, and change the Display Order Number, from 25 to 1. And then we click Reorder (in Green box below).

A pop up should tell you that the reorder was Successful. 

If we click the Display Order column again to reset it, we now see that DNA testing is Number 1 as well as Abduction.

It is now important to refresh your browser or Log out and log back in again, to ensure our order has taken affect.

A quick way to test is to log back into CLASS, click New Intake, and click on the Problem Type field:

We can now see that the order has successfully changed, and that the DNA testing Problem Type is at the top, however note that Abduction is not there at all. The reason is that that option is not set to Active, so it will not conflict with what we are doing. But what happens if we set another active Option to Number 1? 

To find out, I changed two other Problem Types – Child Support and Divorce – to Number 1 also. This was the result: 

Here we can see that with all three ordered at Number 1, CLASS has set them in alphabetical order (by Problem Type). This may not be what you want. So to fix this, we will need to reorder the fields. Lets go back to Types and categories / Problem Types again make sure we are sorted by Display Order: 

We can se above the the top four options all have the display order of one. We will need to change this to re-establish an order. The bad news is – at this point in time the only way to make such as change is a fairly manual process. You will need to go through your entire list and look for gaps in the order, and change everything above the gaps to move it down the order so we can free up the top 3 or so, so we can re-use them. This may be a little tedious if your list is long, such as Problem Types, and where your gaps are a long way down your list. But the good news is, most Types and Categories will not be this big, and two, with a little planning you can fix things so it doesn’t always have to be so tricky every time. 

So the simplest scenario is shown in the screenshot above. We need to look carefully along the display order and when there is a gap in the sequence of numbers, (shown in purple). Gaps are created when you move an option somewhere else. So when we moved DNA testing from 25 to 1, the number 25 will become a gap in the sequence. We can move the options with display order above the gap to free up space above.

So in our screenshot above, we can see that there is a gap between 2 and 4. So, we can move (edit)  “Fraud, Deception and related Offences” up to 3, then say move Abduction which is not Active – perhaps to the end of the list (Say 1000) to get it out of the way for now, and then we have freed up Number 2. We can do the same again to the gap between 4 and 6. This would free up number 3. Then we can reorder the three active number ones in the order that we wish. (Obviously this would take quite some time. The gaps were at 146, and 243, but you get the general idea.)

The final Display Order edit would look like this, and when complete we are ready to click the reorder button again: 


And now the result as found in New intake, and clicking on Problem Types is exactly the top order we were seeking above. 

A better way to handle larger Sets of options like Problem Types. 

There is a key above in how to handle larger Option Lists like the Problem Types above. The key, is how we used the 1000 Display Order option above, to get the unused (Inactive) option out of the way. This shows you can use larger numbers than the initial order you find. 

So a good way to take advantage of this is to take a look at all your Problem Types and consider how you may want to order the different options in different ways. For example you may want to reorder all your Family Law Options, with some at the top, or maybe your Criminal Law options etc. Or maybe 20-30 of your favourites. 

A fast way to do this is to export all your Problem Types using the Export option found at the top right of the Types And categories page: 

Export all your Options into Excel, re-number the display order to your liking, maybe with a 1,000 before the family law codes, and a 2000 before civil codes etc, or even 100,000, or 200,000 etc. Leave gaps in areas you may want to shuffle around later, e.g. only use every second, or every 5 numbers in the first one or two hundred. This way you can move things into the existing gaps quickly in the future.  Once you have decided, manually change each code once and then it will be much easier to manage into the future. 

Please note: Administrators cannot reorder funding categories in this way. 
