DIY Reports – The Filter Panel

The DIY Report Filter Panel is the found to the left of all DIY report templates. 
It is the best place to start when building a new DIY. 

The Filter Panel Looks something like this: 

We can see above the Filter Panel Starts with various Date related options, specifically Start Date and End Date. In fact which date options will work or not work will depend on the selection made by the fields below those – being Rolling Date Range and Additional Reporting Dates. And furthermore, what options are available in these two fields will also depend on the DIY template you have started with. So the choice of template is paramount. 

Rolling Date Range 

The following options are typically found in many DIY Templates: 

Date RangeAllows for User to manually select Start date and End Date
TodayWill lock date range fields to todays date
TomorrowWill lock date range fields to tomorrows date
Previous [X] days before todayWill result in pop up field requiring amount of days, this will result in automated date range
This calendar weekWill lock date range fields to current calendar week
Previous [X} calendar weeks before this weekWill result in pop up field requiring amount of weeks, creating automated date range
This Calendar monthWill lock date range to current calendar month
Previous [X] Calendar Months before this MonthWill result in pop up field requiring number of months, creating automated date range
This QuarterThis current quarter the year (3 months), locking date range fields
Previous QuarterPrevious 3 month quarter, locking date range
This Calendar YearLocks date to year from January 1st
This financial yearLocks date to financial year from July 1
Last 12 Months to dateLocks date to last 12 months to current day. 


Additional Reporting Dates

The following options are typically found in many DIY Templates: 

Name Function
Service Date (Completed Service)This compiles completed services by taking the Open Date of Discrete services, and the Close Date of Ongoing services
Service Open DateUse when looking for services with open dates, no matter if ongoing or completed
Service Close DateThis will only show for services with Closed Dates (not discrete services)
All Open (ongoing) ServicesThis closes the date range options, and only provides services that are ongoing at time of report. This is useful where services may be opened many years in the past, as large date ranges are not required. 

Funding Category

Select Which funding categories are to be searched, or select all if required. 

Include Custom Fields

Leave unticked if custom fields are not required, for faster loading reports

Show All Dates

This is for showing results including zeroes where results are presented in a time range. Leaving unticked will only show results that are not null.  See example here: Recipe – DIY Reports with sub-time periods

Load Report

It is always best to load the report after you have completed building the result columns and rows. 
