C01. Clients by Priority Group


Previously known as: CC1 Clients by demographic by number

Purpose: This report displays the total number of unique clients that had a service (not including Information, Referral and Triage services) delivered in the reporting period. The total Client Number is then divided up across the columns which break down into numbers Priority client groups (These are defined in the NPA). Some of these priority groups are themselves broken down further, for example, the Age related columns have 6 sub-columns of different ages. 

This report is identical to C02 except that this report shows numbers of clients, while C02 shows the % instead of the number, when compared to the Total Clients.

Columns Show:

  • High priority client groups identified by the National Partnership Agreement, then further breakdown of those columns for applicable criteria such as gender, age, income, etc. 

Rows show:

  • The centre name and figures for each criterion.  Typically your centre or lots or centres determined by the catchment chosen. 

Report Type
: Standard

Filters available in this report

This report can be ‘filtered’ so that the results are limited to data that meets the criteria chosen in the filter panel. The filters available for this report are

  • Date Range
  • Funding Categories – Choose all, one or several Funding categories
  • Catchment –  The Catchment chosen will determine which centres will be shown.

For more information – see the page on filters

The following should be considered when analysing this report:

  • This report counts percentages of unique clients assisted in a selected date range.
  • Priority groups are identified by various fields in CLASS. Some of these are on the Client record, e.g. date of birth and Indigenous status, and some of these are on the Service record, e.g. family violence indicator and disability status.
  • Where a field is on the Service page, and the Client has more than one service relevant to the period, the report counts where any of these services meets the criteria. For example: Jo has had three Legal Advices in the same reporting period, and on 1 of those Legal Advices it is recorded that Jo was homeless. On the other 2 Legal Advices, Jo was not homeless. This report will count 1 client in the Homelessness Indicator.
  • Geographic data, i.e. Rural, Regional and Remote, is not yet included in the report. It will be added as soon as possible, and will be based on client primary address details.
  • Selecting “Yes” for Homeless indicator only captures data that is mapped to the response “Yes.” Report will not include responses that are mapped to “Unknown” or “At risk of.”
  • The option “negative income” is not shown as part of income level, which means the percentages added up in the yellow box will be less than 100% if there is an entry with “negative income” in the reporting period.


Priority Groups, or demographic

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Experiencing financial disadvantage
  • Income Level
  • Family living at home with dependent children
  • Disability Status
  • Indigenous Australians
  • Culturally and linguistically diverse
  • Experiencing or at risk of family violence
  • Residing in rural or remote areas
  • Experiencing or at risk of homelessness


Total Clients

Number of unique clients where:

  • Service Type equals ‘Legal Advice’ OR ‘Discrete Non-Legal Support’ OR ‘Facilitated Resolution Process’ OR ‘Duty Lawyer’ AND
  • Open Date [date of service] is between the start date and end date


  • Service Type equals ‘Ongoing Non-Legal Support’ OR ‘Legal Task’ OR ‘Dispute Resolution’ OR ‘Court/Tribunal’ OR ‘Representation Other’ AND
  • Close Date is between Start Date and End Date

















Age 65 +
Gender is mapped to MaleGender is mapped to FemaleGender is mapped to Other

Open Date


Date of Birth

is less than or equal to 17

Open Date


Date of Birth

is between 18 and 24

Open Date


Date of Birth

is between 25 and 34

Open Date


Date of Birth

is between 35 and 49

Open Date


Date of Birth

is between 50 and 64

Open Date


Date of Birth

is equal to or greater than 65


Experiencing financial disadvantage

Income Level

Nil income

Income Level


Income Level


Income Level


Financial Disadvantage Indicator is mapped to YesIncome level is mapped to ‘Nil income’Income level is between $1 and $599 (weekly)Income level is between $600 and $1249 (weekly)Income level is greater than $1250 (weekly)


Family Living with dependent children at home

Married/de facto

Family Living with dependent children at home

All excluding married/de facto

Disability or mental illnessIndigenous Australians

Number of dependent children is greater than or equal to 1


Relationship Status is mapped to ‘Married (registered and defacto)’


Family Type is mapped with ‘Two parent family with dependent children’

Number of dependent children is greater than or equal to 1


Relationship Status is NOT mapped with ‘Married (registered and defacto)’


Family Type is mapped with ‘Sole parent family with dependent children’

Disability Status is mapped with ‘Yes’Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Status is mapped with ‘Yes, Aboriginal’ OR ‘Yes, Torres Strait Islander’ OR ‘Yes, Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander’


Culturally and linguistically diverse

Main Language Spoken at Home (not English

Culturally and linguistically diverse

Requires Interpreter

Experiencing, or at risk of, family violence

Family law

Experiencing, or at risk of, family violence

Civil/Criminal Law

Residing in rural or remote areasHomelessness Indicator

Main Language Spoken at Home does not equal:

‘English’ OR Unknown OR Not Stated OR Not Applicable

Requires Interpreter value is mapped to ‘Yes’Family Violence Indicator is mapped to ‘Yes’ or ‘Other’ (At Risk)
ANDProblem Type selected is mapped to Family Law
Family Violence Indicator is mapped to ‘Yes’ or ‘Other’ (At Risk)
ANDProblem Type selected is mapped to Civil OR Criminal Law
Currently not coded.Homelessness indicator value is mapped with ‘Yes’


Refer to the Data Consistency Guide for definitions of Service types such as Discrete Services, Ongoing Services and Community Projects.
