N01. NPA Performance Benchmark

The National Partnership Agreement (NPA) is one of the primary sources of CLC funding. The NPA requires a number of specific reports. This page provides an overview of the Performance Benchmark, as required by clause 18(c) of the NPA:

NPA 18 (c)

for community legal centres, 90% or more of total representation services are delivered to people experience financial disadvantage – to be achieved by each State in aggregate across all community legal centres in each six month period from 1 July 2017 onwards.

Purpose: Display the total number of representation services closed in the period, and the number and proportion of these services where the financial disadvantage indicator is recorded as yes.

Representation services are Dispute Resolution, Court/Tribunal and Other Representation combined.


Report Type: Standard

As the NPA reports are designed for specific use, there are set filters that should be used. 



Start Date


End Date


Funding Categories

All CLSP Funding Types

The Start and End Dates will be 1 January to 30 June for the next reporting period (mid 2018).

Example Report


The following table details the calculations used to generate the report

Representation Services Delivered to people Experiencing Financial Disadvantage

Total Representation Services

Percentage of Representation Services Delivered to People Experiencing Financial Disadvantage (%)

Service Type is mapped to ‘Dispute Resolution’ OR ‘Court/Tribunal’ OR ‘Other Representation’AND

Close Date is between Start Date and End Date AND

Financial Disadvantage Indicator is NOT mapped to ‘No’ OR ‘Unknown’

Service Type is mapped to ‘Dispute Resolution’ OR ‘Court/Tribunal’ OR ‘Other Representation’ AND

Close Date is between Start Date and End Date AND

Financial Disadvantage Indicator is NOT mapped to ‘Unknown’

Column 1 – Representation services delivered to people experiencing financial disadvantage –

divided by

Column 2 – Total Representation Services

as a percentage


Refer to the Data Consistency Guide for definitions of Service Types such as Discrete Services, Ongoing Services and Community Projects.  
