Print and download Service details

A step-by-step guide to printing and downloading: client details and service details.

Please note: If you don’t see any of these icons or options, you may need to check you permissions with your Centre’s CLASS administrator.

Print or create a PDF of Client details

  1. Search Client you intend to print and open up their client details page.
  2. Click on the print icon at the top right of your screen. A print preview box will be generated.
  3. The preview will show all fields on the client details page.
  4. You can now choose to print the client’s details page or to save it as a PDF.
  5. To print; click on the Print icon and select printing options.
  6. To save as a PDF, click on the Save PDF icon. A PDF will be downloaded automatically to your downloads.

Print or create a PDF of Service details

  1. You can search a service through Search Services, or search for your client, open Client Details then click on the Client Services tab.
  2. Open up the service details of the page you would like to print.
  3. Click on the print icon at the top right of your screen. A print preview box will be generated.
  4. You can now choose to print the service detail page or to save it as a PDF.
  5. To print; click on the Print icon and select printing options.
  6. To save as a PDF, click on the Save PDF icon. A PDF will be downloaded automatically to your downloads.