S 09. Representation Services Duration by Percentage


Previously known as:  CA9 CASES – Duration by Percentage

Purpose: The main purpose of this report is to show the representation services that are still open or closed in the selected period, i.e. 2017-2018 financial year. This distinction is further divided up to show (1) the proportion of cases still open in the selected period; (2) how long they have been open, broken down by 3 months increments; (3) the proportion of cases that have been closed in the selected period; and, (4) how long they have remained open before they were closed, broken down by 3 months increments.

Report Type: Standard


Developers’ Documentation

Representation Services Still Open at End of Period

Representation Services Completed Within Period

Dispute resolution, Court/Tribunal, and Other Representation services where:

Services DO NOT have an Close Date


Close Date > End of Reporting Period

Dispute resolution, Court/Tribunal, and Other Representation services where:

Close Date is between start of Reporting Period and End of Reporting Period.



Filter Panel


Start Date

Date Picker

End Date

Date Picker

Funding Category

Funding Categories Combination

Select any dates and funding categories you require, for example:

  • calendar year: 1 Jan 17 – 31 Dec 17
  • financial year: 1 Jul 16 – 30 Jun 17
  • year to date: 1 Jan 17 – ‘today’

Catchment (for Centres)



Previously known as:  CA9 CASES – Duration by Percentage

Purpose: The main purpose of this report is to show the representation services that are still open or closed in the selected period, i.e. 2017-2018 financial year. This distinction is further divided up to show (1) the proportion of cases still open in the selected period; (2) how long they have been open, broken down by 3 months increments; (3) the proportion of cases that have been closed in the selected period; and, (4) how long they have remained open before they were closed, broken down by 3 months increments.

Report Type: Standard


Developers’ Documentation

Representation Services Still Open at End of Period

Representation Services Completed Within Period

Dispute resolution, Court/Tribunal, and Other Representation services where:

Services DO NOT have an Close Date


Close Date > End of Reporting Period

Dispute resolution, Court/Tribunal, and Other Representation services where:

Close Date is between start of Reporting Period and End of Reporting Period.


The following should be considered when analysing this report.

  • This report is percentage report of a service count. There may be multiple services attached to each client relevant in this report.
  • This report only applies to representation services that can go on for a period. Discrete services such as legal advice are considered an “instance” of a service without a close date.

Refer to the Data Consistency Guide for definitions of Service Types such as Discrete Services, Ongoing Services and Community Projects. 
