S 04.2 Representation Services by High Level Problem Type

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Select any dates and funding categories you require, for example:

  • calendar year: 1 Jan 17 – 31 Dec 17
  • financial year: 1 Jul 16 – 30 Jun 17
  • year to date: 1 Jan 17 – ‘today’


Catchment (for Centres)



Previously known as: CA4 – Services by High Level Problem Type

Purpose: This report displays a number of different types of representation services provided in a period (including Dispute Resolution, Court/Tribunal and Representation Other), divided between three Law Types (Family Law, Civil Law and Criminal Law), and then further broken down into High Level Problem types (listed below) included in each Law Type. Each type of representation service provided are broken down into the number of representation services open at the start of the period, opened during the period, and closed during the period. This is because representation services are generally expected to run for a period of time, unlike discrete services.

Report Type: Standard

This is part two of three reports that make up S04. This report, S04.2, focuses on representation services. For all services excluding representation services (S04.1) click here, and for services to the community (S04.3), click here.


Due to large number of data the report can run for multiple pages. 

The following should be considered when analysing this report


  • This report is a service count. There may be multiple services per client relevant in this report.

High Level Problem Types

Civil Law
Child protectionInjury compensation
ConsumerMental health law
Consumer creditMotor vehicle property damage
Credit and debtNeighbourhood disputes
DiscriminationProceeds of crime
Domestic violence protection ordersSocial security
EmploymentVeterans entitlements
EnvironmentVictim compensation
Guardianship for adultsWills and estates
HealthOther services for victims of violence
HousingOther civil law problem type
Immigration Law 


Family Law
Child representation/Independent Children’s LawyerParenting arrangements
Child supportSpouse maintenance
Divorce de-facto separations and/or annulmentSurrogacy
Domestic/Family violenceOther family law problem type
Family law property 


Criminal Law
AbductionProhibited and regulated weapons and explosives offences
Acts intended to cause injuryProperty damage
Drug importationPublic order offences
Environmental pollutionRobbery extortion and related offences
Fraud, deception and related offencesSexual assault and related offences
Homicide and related offencesTheft and related offences
Illicit drug offencesTraffic and vehicle regulatory offences
Miscellaneous offencesUnlawful entry with intent/burglary break and enter
National Security offencesRobbery, extortion and related offences
Offences against government procedures government security and government operationsOther criminal law problem type
People smuggling 



Law TypeHigh Level Problem TypeDispute ResolutionCourt / TribunalOther Representation
Open at StartOpened During PeriodClosed During PeriodOpen at StartOpened During PeriodClosed During PeriodOpen at StartOpened During PeriodClosed During Period
e.g. Civil Lawe.g. Housing

Number of Services where:

Service Type equals ‘Dispute Resolution’


Open Date is before start of period


Close Date is NULL OR
Close date is after start of period


Problem type, or one of the problem types, is mapped to Housing

Number of Services where:

Service Type equals ‘Dispute Resolution’


Open Date is between start of period AND end of period


Problem type, or one of the problem types, is mapped to Housing

Number of Services where:

Service Type equals ‘Dispute Resolution’


Close Date is between start of period AND end of period


Problem type, or one of the problem types, is mapped to Housing

Number of Services where:

Service Type equals ‘Court/Tribunal’


Open Date is before start of period


Close Date is NULL OR
Close date is after start of period


Problem type, or one of the problem types, is mapped to Housing


Refer to the Data Consistency Guide for definitions of Service types such as Discrete Services, Ongoing Services and Community Projects.
