Copy A Project Service

Similar to the CLASS Function Copy Service – Client Services CLASS can make a fast copy of a Project Service (which is a Service for the Community). 

There are several differences between these two copy service functions, one is where a user can copy the service, the other is which fields are, or are not copied. 

So to begin, Project Services are copied from inside a Project. They can only be copied inside the same project, so they cannot be copied from one copy to another. 

The user must first locate the correct Project. 

To do this,

  • click “Community” in the lower left Corner of CLASS (See step 1 in screenshot below). This will bring the Services for the Community Options in the top left of CLASS.
  • To find a service we would normally use “Search Projects” – Click on this link (Step 2 in screenshot) and Search for the correct project as usual.
  • Once found click on the project ID which is a blue link. (not in screenshot)
  • The user will then need to click on the Projects tab “Services” as indicated by Step 3 below.
  • Next locate which Project Service is to be copied. Once this is found select the corresponding tick box in the far left column (Step 4).
  • Finally Click the Copy Button (Step 5). If you cannot see the Copy button, you may need to speak to your CLASS Administrator or Helpdesk to assist with setting the correct permissions for your CLASS login account. 

Click the Screenshot for full sized image: 

All fields will be copied across to the new service except the following: 

  • Open dates
  • Close dates
  • Assignees
  • Any actions
  • Documents

This means the final step after copying is that User should open the Newly created Service and fill in any essential missing fields (particularly the date fields(s) and assignees as required) then save to complete the service. 
