Reminders and critical dates

Critical dates (lists) and reminders (emails) provide a way to keep an eye on actions that are saved in a client-service.  Actions are things like appointments and limitation issues etc.


Reminders are emails that get sent to the assigned worker.  Critical dates are records listed (in a tab) in the service record.

Reminder emails and critical dates records are generated if an action has a due date or reminder date.

There is an option (a checkbox) to have a calendar file attached to reminder emails. The information can be added to your calendar by clicking on the email attachment.

Not all action types have due dates but any action type can have a reminder.

Frequently Asked Questions

What action types have due dates?

The following action types have due dates. Appointments, Reminders, Limitation dates, Court Attendance and Critical Issue.

The reminders action type has a mandatory due date, the other types mentioned above have a due date that is not mandatory.

What makes something a critical date?

Any action that has a due date will automatically generate a critical date record when its is edited and saved. These records appear in critical dates lists.

What makes something highlight red?

In Critical dates lists if the due date is today or in the past it will highlight in red

What makes something highlight yellow?

In Critical dates lists if the reminder date is today or in the past it will highlight in yellow

Why aren’t some things from the past red or yellow?

If the postponed checkbox has been checked, it removes highlighting from Due date and Reminder Date

Can I delete critical dates.?

Yes, as long as that it’s appropriate for your requirements.  These records are generated from action records. Once a critical date record has been created it has a life of its own. So you can delete the critical dates records without affecting the action record.

Why don’t the actions records and the critical dates records look the same?

Once a critical date record has been created it has a life of its own. Further edits of actions will probably create a new critical date record without deleting the original.  Critical date records need to be managed independently of action records if you make changes to action records.
