Working with reports

Like all things in CLASS, access to reports is dependent on the individual user’s permissions and role. All Admin and Admin-Advanced Users will have automatic access to the reports module. Other Users can gain access via their centre’s CLASS Administrator or by contacting the Helpdesk.


CLASS will stop trying to generate a report after 5 minutes of loading. This is not expected to effect centres, however is worth noting if you select large data sets, e.g. 2+ years

There are two types of reports – Standard and Drilldown.

  • Standard Reports are easy to navigate but are largely uncustomisable.
  • Drilldown Reports are highly customisable, but as a result can be a lot more complicated to navigate.

The following instructions are largely applicable to both, however more detail is available on Drilldown Reports at the bottom of this page.


Step 1. Select the “Reports & Accountability” menu from the main menu (lower left corner)

Step 2. Select “Reports” from the upper left corner. 

A new tab will display the available reports. 

 Step 3. Select the report you want to run – click the blue underlined report name.

Step 4. Once you have selected your desired report, you must add filters before you can load the data. 

Step 5. Click Load Report
