N02. NPA – Services to Priority Clients

The National Partnership Agreement (NPA) is one of the primary sources of CLC funding. The NPA requires a number of specific reports. This page provides an overview of the Performance Indicator, as required by clause 17(a) of the NPA:

NPA 17 (a)

the proportion of representation services delivered to priority clients. For reporting purposes, the States will report on a subset of priority clients comprising: children and young people (up to 24 years); people experiencing financial disadvantage; Indigenous Australians; older people (aged over 65 years); people experiencing, or at risk of, family violence; people residing in rural or remote areas; people who are culturally and linguistically diverse; and people with a disability or mental illness;

Purpose: Display the total number of representation services closed in the period, and the number and proportion of these services delivered to priority client groups.

Report Type: Standard


As the NPA reports are designed for specific use, there are set filters that should be used. 



Start Date


End Date


Funding Categories

All CLSP Funding Types

The Start and End Dates will be 1 July to 31 December for the next reporting period (early 2018).

Priority Groups

  • Experiencing financial disadvantage
  • Experiencing, or at risk of, family violence
  • Children and young people
  • Older Persons
  • Indigenous Australians
  • Residing in rural or remote areas
  • Culturally and linguistically diverse
  • People with a disability or mental illness


  1. This report is a service count. It is similar to Clients by Demographic, however that counts clients by priority group. There may be multiple services per client relevant in this report.
  2. Priority groups are identified by various fields in CLASS. Some of these are on the Client record, e.g. date of birth and Indigenous status, and some of these are on the Service record, e.g. family violence indicator and disability status. 
  3. Geographic data, i.e. Rural, Regional and Remote, is not yet included in the report. It will be added as soon as possible, and based on client primary address details.

Example Report


Refer to the Data Consistency Guide for definitions of Service types such as Discrete Services, Ongoing Services and Community Projects.  
