Creating a New Client and Service
(Alternative Intake Process)

Once you have performed a Conflict Checkyou can create a New Client.


Click on New from  under the CLASS menu.

Fill in the relevant details on the Client form and 

To complete the alternative intake, find the client you have created in   and complete the Client Services tab.


Find the client that has been save by searching in Search Clients with relevant details.

Once found, click on the Client Services tab to attach a new Service.

Click on “New” inside Client Services to add a new Service.

Fill in Service details as relevant, and Save & Close.

Client Fields to note

These are new or notable fields in CLASS. 

  • Client ID
    The Client ID is automatically generated. Client IDs have been migrated from CLSIS, and should be sequential. Client IDs are preceded by a ‘C’, whereas Service IDs are preceded by an ‘S’. E.g C514. 

  • Keywords
    You can enter keywords or ‘tags’ to label clients with specific terms that you can easily refer to or search by later. For example, you may wish to ‘tag’ certain clients for future case studies or a particular project. 

  • Flagged
    You can highlight Clients that may have special requirements or contact needs. Flagged clients will be indicated with a red background, and with red shading on Search screens, as shown in the image below. 

  • Privacy Type
    Select any privacy preferences relevant to the Client such as ‘Do not SMS’. You may wish to add a Note with relevant information here. 
  • Address
    Select the type of address from the drop down menu. Enter in full address details in Street, Suburb/Town, Postcode and State.

    An address can be validated before it is saved in CLASS. This helps to ensure that the address exists or has been captured correctly.

    Please be advised that for some addresses, the map might not be able to locate the address particularly new suburbs. 

    To validate the address, click ‘Click here to view on map‘. The address will then be shown on a map.

Address Not Validated

If you are shown an image similar to the one shown below, it indicates that the address details provided are incorrect, spelt wrong or a relatively new area. If required, confirm the address details with the Client. 
