M 01.1 Reporting Requirements (Triennial)


Purpose: This report displays key dates for a centres accountability reports. As State Program Managers set Due Dates and Extension Dates, those dates will appear here. The date that each report is submitted and approved also appears.

Centres have the ability to choose which Funding Body’s accountability reports to see.

The financial year that is selected in the filter will be the “First Year”. The following financial years will be “Second” and “Third Year”.

Report Type: Standard

Previously known as: CM1.1 Rpt Req Triennial Sum



Financial Year


Developers’ Documentation

First Year

Second Year

Third Year

First Year will get the accountability reports for the selected Financial Year in the report controlSecond Year will get the accountability reports for the selected Financial Year + 1 FY in the report controlThird Year will get the accountability reports for the selected Financial Year + 2 FY in the report control


Due Date

Submitted Date

Approved Date

Extension Date

Get the due date for corresponding report type in corresponding yearGet the ext date for corresponding report type in corresponding yearGet the submission date for corresponding report type in corresponding yearGet the approval date for corresponding report type in corresponding year

