Printout Template Basic Controls

Explaining the Basic Control Scheme of Printout Templates

  1. The left hand tool bar contains Drag and drop content items for the printout template to be placed in the centre
  2. When left clicking an item in the Printout template use this section of controls to: delete, copy, cut and paste that item
  3. The Undo and Redo controls
  4. Zoom out and In
  5. Buttons in order: Preview, Validate Data Bindings, Save and Close. Think of this as the Test , Validate and Save as you go in terms of working on the template.
  6. A small menu on the far right hand side from top to bottom the buttons are: Properties (Gear Icon), Field List (Database Icon – Stacked Pancakes), Report Explorer (Linked tables icon) 
    1. The properties element allows you to configure the appearance and behavior of a label for example and or which field in your database it points to
    2. The Data Source icon is a list of all fields available in the current template and is also the area where you can create Calculated Fields
    3. Report Explorer is a hierarchical list of elements in the report with the most recently dragged items appearing at the top left clicking on an item in this list will bring up:
      1. A delete button to remove an element
      2. A pencil icon to edit the properties of a selected element
  7. A context menu that is dependent on which button you press from point 6 (Properties, Field List, Report Explorer) and will contain all relevant controls for said button for example when editing the properties of a label from here you could:
    1. Set which field it points to in the database
    2. Alter the appearance of the label
    3. its name in the Report Explorer
  8. The Content Section of a Printout Template where you drag and drop elements from point 1 into and edit them with the controls from point 7 and 8, in the highlighted example note that
    1. The Client ID label is a plain text label 
    2. The label just to the right of the Client and ID and under the Client Details section heading points to the a field in the database. More specifically a Client Field. This is denoted by the:
      1. small black database icon toward the top right of the field
      2. the square brackets and reference to the database field “[CLSGetServiceClientInformation…”