Reminders – emails based on reminder dates

Reminders (emails) provide a way to keep an eye on actions that are saved in a client-service.  Actions are things like appointments and limitation dates etc.

Reminders are emails that are sent to the assigned worker.
Reminder emails are generated if an action has a due date or reminder date.

There is an option to have a calendar file attached to reminder emails. The information about the action can then be added to your calendar by clicking on the email attachment.

Not all action types have due dates but any action type can have a reminder date


Frequently Asked Questions

What action types have due dates?

The following action types have due dates. Appointments, Reminders, Limitation dates, Court Attendance and Critical Issue.

The Reminder action types have a mandatory due date, the other types mentioned here have a due date that is not mandatory.

What causes a reminder to be sent? 

If there is a date in the due date field or in the reminder field, an email reminder will be sent on that date/time.

What if I want the reminder date to be the same as the due date?

The system will prevent this. Reminder emails will be sent on the basis of the due date so there is no need to have a reminder date that is the same.

Who gets emails ?

The assignee or assignees receive reminder emails.

What does checking the ‘send calendar’ checkbox do? 

For some action types you will see a checkbox called “Send Calendar File”

  • It means any reminder emails will includes a calendar type (.ics) file that can be added to your calendar by opening the attachment.
  • The file becomes a calendar entry for the reminder date.
  • The calendar entry records the client, service and action type.
  • Double clicking the file should embed it in your calendar.  You may need help from your IT support if this is not working.