C05. Client by Geographical Area


We anticipate a change to the title of this report to better reflect its purpose, as the current title ‘Clients by Geographical Area’ comes from CLSIS and is no longer considered an accurate description of what this report does.  This report divides Clients by the different categories from the ‘Remoteness Area’ Administrative Boundary that is maintained by the Australian Bureau of  Statistics (ABS). More information about the structure of ‘Remoteness Area’ boundaries can be found at the ABS here.

Clients without a Remoteness Area CLASS geotag are excluded, and that is the reason this report may have a lower total to similar reports such as C03 during the same time period.  

Additionally, there will be further formula testing to verify the Total Count. However, we can confirm that adding up Outer Regional + Remote Centre + Very Remote counts in C05 should add up to Outer Regional & Remote Clients in C03 report. Until further tests are completed, CLASS users are encouraged to use other reports when possible because the rest of C (client) reports have been rigorously tested and are expected to generate more reliable data.

In C05, adding up 41 (Outer Regional) + 10 (Remote Centre) + 8 (Very Remote) yields 59. This is consistent with the result shown in C03 as seen below.

Filters available in this report

This report can be ‘filtered’ so that the results are limited to data that meets the criteria chosen in the filter panel. The filters available for this report are

  • Date Range
  • Funding Categories – Choose all, one or several Funding categories
  • Catchment –  The Catchment chosen will determine which centres will be shown. 
  • Demographic information – Gender, Age Groups, Financial Disadvantage, Income Level, Family Living With Dependent Children, Disability and or Mental Illness, Indigenous Australian, Outer Regional and Remote Clients, Homelessness, Client Type, New Clients, Interpreter Translator Required, Main Language Spoken At Home Not English, Family Violence. 

For more information – see the page on filters

The following should be considered when analysing this report

  • This report counts unique clients.
  • For the demographic filter, the default setting for all the drop-down options is “Any.” This means that the figures appearing in the report will capture all data in relation to those criteria. For example, if one leaves the Gender field as “Any,” the data captured will include all clients who are male, female and other.
  • Selecting “Yes” for Homeless indicator only captures data that is mapped to the response “Yes.” The report will not include responses that are mapped to “Unknown” or “At risk of.”