DIY Recipe 11: Geolocation Filter Report


The following report uses a number of geolocation fields to create a report you can use with external tools to create heat maps.

Example report

The following example report came from a request to see the number of services in each SA 1 area, filtered down to only youth clients, with criminal law problem types, in a particular Commonwealth Electoral Division. You can change out the fields and filters as needed – the main purpose here is to showcase the geolocation fields in DIY reports.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Open DIY Service Client template.
  2. Click ‘save as’ and give the report an appropriate name. Toggle ‘save changes’ on if you want the new report to save changes automatically. Click ‘Save and close’.
  3. Once in the newly name report, open the field list by right clicking near the top and selecting field list, or use the column chooser in customise.
  4. Drag the following fields into the ‘filter fields’ section, one at a time:
    1. Law Type’, ‘Age Group at Time of Service’, ‘CED’, ‘Service Type’
  5. Drag the following field into the ‘data items’ section:
    1. ‘No of Service’
  6. Drag the following field into the ‘row fields’ section:
    1. SA 1 Code’
  7. Set up the left hand side filter panel: 
    1. Set a small date range (here we are using rolling date range ‘this calendar week’),
    2. Set additional reporting dates (here we are using ‘service open date’ to catch unclosed representation services)
    3. Select all funding categories
    4. Toggle ‘show custom fields’ if you are using any relevant to this report (unlikely as they are mostly geolocation fields).
  8. Load report. You will of course get all your data for the relevant period. Now we need to filter the results:
  9. Using the filter icon on the relevant fields:
    1. ‘Law Type’ to criminal law, ‘Age Group at Time of Service’ to 0-17, ‘CED’ to whichever you want (Canberra in this case), ‘Service Type’ to filter out info/ referral/ triage services
  10. Expand the date range if needed.
  11. Load report.
  13. You can then use the sharing/ permissions button to share the report with relevant roles/ workers.
  14. You can export the report to load the data into an external tool to create a heat map of services. We will explain this in a new page once we have finished the documentation.

Example screenshot

You can also arrange the fields so that the SA1 codes are columns, however then you would need a field in the row fields section – e.g. drag ‘service type’ down to row fields instead of filter fields section, as we see in the following screenshot:

Further options

Creating reports for heat mapping purposes opens up a whole new area of visual, high impact reports. They are useful for annual reporting, funding, outreach planning, CLE delivery, etc. When documentation is complete please refer to the guide on using CLASS data to create heat maps.
