Creating a Project


Projects are a container where multiple Services can be grouped together. Projects have their own set of fields such as budget information etc.

Users should first create a project, then attach services to the related project.

Step 1. Click on COMMUNITY Step 1 from the primary menu as indicated in the image below.

Step 2: Click on SEARCH PROJECTS above Step 2 from the primary menu as indicated in the image below


Step 3: Click on New indicated below.

Step 4: Fill in the Project details. 

Step 5: Fill in the Project Title.

Step 6: Fill in all other relevant project details and click on save to create the Project.

Step 7: The Project title is added as indicated below 1. 

Additional tabs are available to fill in as indicated in 2 these are Services , Critical Dates band Project Audit.

Step 8: Click on Services tab to create a Service.
