Example: Setting date range in filter builder

Setting a date range in search services filter builder

Step 1: Go into ‘search services’ and make sure all the search fields are blank (press ‘clear sort’ at the bottom right if the option is available).

Step 2Right clickanywhere on the horizontal bar with the column names and left click/ select ‘filter builder’

Step 3: Filter builder box will pop up. Left click on the ‘plus’ symbol

Step 4: You should see the following

Step 5: Left click on the blue text, and select ‘open date’ from the list

Step 6: Left click on the green text, and select ‘is between’

Step 7: ‘enter a value’ and ‘enter a value’ will now appear. Left click and use the drop down button to select the beginning and end of the date range for the period you want in these two ‘enter a value’ fields.

Step 8: You should now be looking at something like the screenshot below. Left click OK, and you will be returned to search services, where CLASS will display ALL services over this date range.

Step 9: Use any of the search columns to further narrow down the search – e.g. enter a service type in ‘service type’ column. If you left click on a column name you can sort that column alphabetically (click again to toggle reverse alphabetical), and in the bottom left you can see number of pages and number of items – i.e. the number of services in the current search.


Screenshots (click to enlarge):

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Step 8

Step 9
