Apple Mac or MacBook

Step 1: Click on the Network icon on the top right side on the Mac screen. Click “Open Network Preferences…” in the menu.

Step 2: Click on the “+” button on the network configuration screen.

Step 3: Select “VPN” as “Interface”, “L2TP over IPsec” as “VPN Type” and click on the “Create” button.

Step 4: A new L2TP VPN configuration will be created, and the configuration screen will appear.

  • Enter as server address
  • Enter your VPN username as Account Name
  • Next, click the “Authentication Settings…” button.

The authentication screen will appear, enter following information and click ok.

  • Enter your VPN Password in Password field
  • Enter your VPN Secret Key in Shared Secret 6 which is: 1Class2016

Step 5: After return to the previous screen, check the “Show VPN status in menu bar” and click the “Advanced…” button.

Step 6: The advanced settings will be appeared. Check the “Send all traffic over VPN connection” and click the “OK” button.

Step 7: You can start a new VPN connection by clicking the “Connect” button at any time. You can also initiate a VPN connection by clicking the VPN icon on the menu bar.
