Step 1: Basic Intake Page

Step 1 Click on CLASS indicated by Step 1 in the image below.

Step 2 Click on the New Intake button on the secondary menu, indicated by Step 2 in the image above.


Step 3 This opens up the Service Details page. Fill in the Service Details fields. 

Step 4 Select a Service Type from the drop down list.

Step 5 You can write Intake Notes in this field.

Step 6 Fill in and complete the Client Details in the fields below. 

Step 7 Complete the Address details. First select the type of address from a drop down menu, then fill in address details i.e street number. Validate the address by clicking the button shown by Click to validate below.

Step 8 Complete the Referral details if a referral has been given and applicable.

This completes the first step of the Intake process. The next step is to add Additional Parties and perform a Conflict Check.
