There are three types of reports – Standard, Drilldown and Do-it-yourself (DIY)
Check the FAQs for commonly asked questions.
Don’t see a relevant answer? Contact the Helpdesk for further assistance, and we’ll add your question to the FAQs!
The data is inconsistent between reports
You may find that the data differs between reports. Each report uses different search criteria to extract and display its data. Reports may appear to be displaying the same fields as each other, but can still differ.
For example, S11 counts the number of unique services, whereas S04 counts the number of services by problem type. This means that S4 may count one service in both the Family Law and again in the Civil Law columns, while S11 will only count that service once.
Before contacting the Helpdesk:
If there are outstanding questions, or you need further clarifications, contact the Helpdesk including example reports and the specific filters used.
When will all reports be available to centres?
We understand the urgency for reporting, and delivering this module to centres is a high priority for the team. Access to the first batch of reports was delivered in late September 2017. The CLASS team is working on delivering the rest of the reports as soon as possible.
To stay up to date on reporting timeframes, subscribe to the CLASS News.
What is low, medium and high income in the client demographic reports?
CLASS contains the following income levels. For the purposes of the Clients by Priority Group report, income levels were grouped by low, medium and high.
This is necessary information in assisting your centre meet the NPA Performance Benchmarks and maintain funding.
Why is the number of Referrals sometimes a decimal?
Referrals are a new service type in CLASS and the NPA requires Referrals to be included in reports of service types. As current data entry practices do not require or provide for a problem type/law type to be recorded against each referral made, for the purposes of reports, we apportion the number of referrals across the number of problem types recorded.
For example, if a service has 3 problem types (2 Family, 1 Civil) and 1 referral, it will distribute the referral across Family and Civil Law in a 2:1 ratio. That is, 0.66 referral will be counted in Family Law and 0.33 referral counted in Civil Law.
As such, referral counts may include decimal points. The total figure should be a whole number. Please provide suggestions or feedback on how to change the report, or how to record referrals in CLASS to the Helpdesk.
How can I find how many regional, rural or remote clients we have?
Geographic data, i.e. Rural, Regional and Remote, is not yet included in the reports. This is due to technical constraints at the time of the report development.
It will be added as soon as possible, and based on client primary address details.
Why can’t I see the number of CLE Projects?
The reports only report on the number of Project Services, ie activities, events, presentations, publications etc that are recorded as Services within a Project.
This is different to how reports worked in CLSIS, where the Project was counted, not the activities.
This applies to S11, N3.2 and S4.3.
You can find out the number of CLE Projects by searching in CLASS. Read more about that here.
My number of informations is way too low.
Information services created before migration to CLASS (~pre February 2017) do not have an associated funding category. To ensure that they are included in reports, select ‘Parent Legacy Funding Category’ in the report filters.
This funding category was created as a ‘nil’ category to attach to CLSIS informations.
Why is the Total Representation Services in N1 lower than in other reports?
The NPA Performance Benchmark has been designed with very specific parameters. It counts the number of representation services that were closed during the reporting period and the answer the Financial Disadvantage Indicator field on the service. It excludes all services where the answer to Financial Disadvantage Indicator is Unknown.
The decision to design the report in this way followed consultation with the sector and Attorney-General’s Department.
Services that were migrated from CLSIS were defaulted to Unknown. Therefore, the period 1 Jan – 30 June 2017 may have less results than you would expect.
You can read more on the NPA Performance Benchmark here.
How do check my centre’s NPA Performance Benchmark?
Reports N1, N2, N3.1 and N3.2 are all designed to measure specific aspects of your centre’s performance against the NPA Performance Benchmark.
I cannot print a consolidated funds report or budget
You are not able to print or export from the ‘Consolidated’ tab on Funds Reports, or Budgets.
This is a known issues and has been raised with the developer.
Here is the list of currently available reports mapped to the old CLSIS names.
Community Legal Centres Australia acknowledges the traditional owners of the lands across Australia and particularly acknowledges the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation, traditional owners of the land on which the Community Legal Centres Australia office is situated. We pay deep respect to Elders past, present and emerging.
Community Legal Centres Australia is a proudly inclusive organisation and an ally of the LGBTIQ+ community and the movement toward equality.
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