Print a Template

  1. Go to Tools (grouped between Community and System Settings) in the bottom left of your screen
  2. Select Printout Templates in the top left options area
  3. You will only be able to open a copy of a template. Template copies are displayed in blue writing and can be opened.
  4. If you don’t see a copy of the template you would like to print; select the template in the tick box next to the name field. Once selected, click the copy icon. A copy will be created automatically with ‘Copy of..’ before the title. You can change the name of the template by clicking on the blue text and editing within the popup window.
  5. To print, click on the edit icon sitting next to the the blue action title text. As only copies are printable and editable, only copies will have edit icons next to their Name field.
  6. A new tab will open up the design page.
  7. Click on the preview icon on the top options row to open print preview. Your template will display in the centre of the page.
  8. You can now choose to print this template by clicking on the print icon, or you can choose a number of saving and converting options by clicking on the save icon. Follow the print selection prompts.

Please Note:

If you don’t see any of these icons or options, you may need to check you permissions with your Centre’s CLASS administrator.
