S 06.1 Referrals to Simple by Problem Types

Purpose of Report

The Referral From/ Referral to Simple/ Referral to Facilitated reports display

  • the number of referrals from, referrals to (simple) or referrals to (facilitated) from/ to 13 top level referral types,
    • split across top level problem types,
    • over a time period

This report is not about the ‘referral’ service type per se. It is about the ‘Referred from’ and ‘Referral to’ fields that appear across all service types.

E.g. many clients will have been referred to the service provider in some way, and so ‘Referred from’ field will be filled out on many services. Referral to (simple) and referral to (facilitated) fields will also appear on many services – anything from referring a client to additional services in the course of providing a legal advice, to ‘warm’ facilitated referrals to other services when there is a conflict or the service provider cannot otherwise assist the client. ‘Referrals to’ can also be made on an information service. The purpose of the ‘referral’ service type is to record a referral only where no information service was given, and to see the number of these specific referral service types, a service count report will need to be run instead.

Annotated example report (referral to simple)

Check referral type parenting before using these reports

Warning: Before using any of the three Referral Reports, centres should check that their referral type parenting is correct. If a referral type is parented to the wrong parent referral type, any referrals made using this referral will appear in the wrong category when running this report.

To check referral type parenting, centre should go System > Types & Categories > Referral From/ Referral to Simple/ Referral to Facilitated (check all three). You should see a list of referral types on the left, and what referral type they are parented to. Check that the name of the referral type in the left column is parented to the correct field in the parent column. These should mostly be intuitive and you are looking for parenting that is obviously incorrect.

Note that the mapped to field is the top level referral type that parent referral types are mapped to – and these top level fields are the ones which are reported on in these three reports. These should have been corrected by CLCs Australia/ developers, however please let us know by email if you believe a referral type mapping is incorrect, as you cannot change mapped to at centre level.


Referral From/ Referral to (simple)/ Referral to (facilitated)

3 fields that appear across all service types. Multiple referral types can be entered across these fields with a service. These fields are the primary way of counting referrals – the referral service type also uses these fields.

Top level referral types

These are the referral types that other, more descriptive/ specific referral types are mapped to, and will appear in these reports. These are:

  • CLSP
  • Private Legal Practitioner
  • Legal Aid Commission
  • Court/ Tribunal
  • Community Support Service, Centrelink
  • Child Support Agency
  • Police
  • Regional Law Hotline
  • Health/ Community Services Dept
  • Government Other
  • Dispute Resolution Service
  • Other Referrals


Top level problem types

Broad problem types that other more descriptive/ specific problem types are mapped to; but not as broad as ‘law type’ (e.g. civil)


Additional notes:

The number of referrals by each problem type (the number in the right hand column) is determined by:

Refer to the Data Consistency Guide for definitions of Service types such as Discrete Services, Ongoing Services and Community Projects.  
