Customise Standard Fields

There are some Administrative changes that can be made to Standard fields, using customisation options. 

To customise Standard Fields attached to Clients, start on a Client page.

To customise Standard Fields attached to Services, start on a Service Page. 

For example, lets look at options available for Standard fields attached to Services. Begin by pulling up any service, such as an advice. Click the Customise button, marked in red below: 

From here the CLASS administrator will need to select the Tab  “Standard Fields” as shown below. 

Above we can see the various available Options. 

CLASS Administrators can:

  • Change the Title of the field as it shows in CLASS by editing the “Caption” 
    Keeping it short is recommended. 
  • Create a tool tip that will show if the user is mousing over the field. e.g. more detailed instructions
  • Tick if a field should be Required – (Note –  you can now set “Assigned to” to mandatory)
    Consider however, that users will not be able to save if their is no data in this field, which may create difficulties.
  • Hide fields by ticking available box in hide Column. (Some fields cannot be hidden, and some may cause difficulties if hidden where field is required. Always test new services or clients can be saved after hiding fields to ensure there are no dependencies)
  • Administrators can set permissions on certain fields using “Assign Rights”. E.g .Certain Roles or Users may be set to view only (cannot edit) permissions, or Edit, but not delete on particular fields. 