Custom Fields

Custom fields are typically added to Clients or Services, or Services with a particular selected legal problem type (e.g. fields that only appear for say tenancy law services). They can be of different formats, e.g.  a dropdown select box (single option or multi-select), a note field, a tick box, or date select. These new fields can all be used in search or reports. This is a powerful way to customise CLASS to your data collection needs.

It is recommended that Administrators first run Custom field ideas by Helpdesk, as they may be able to recommend the best way forward. It is also a good idea to test new ideas in the Test Site (UAT) before creating them on your production site. Contact Helpdesk if you don’t have access to the test site.

Best Practice: Please review this page before creating a custom Field.

Creating Custom Fields:

Creating Custom Fields Steps (Generally):

This is done via pressing the Customize button located on the top right of an open CLASS: Service, Client, Project, Project Service, Service Action record. After pressing on the button please pick the Custom Fields Tab and then New via the top right.

This is the Tab Custom Fields

From this screen you can press New or New Group to create a custom field what that looks like is below via the top right of the custom fields tab:

On this window the various options on the left are:

  • Group – on the CLASS Record Type (Action, Service, Client, Community Project/Service) where do you want the field to appear (it will appear at the bottom of the already existing standard fields and custom fields in that grouping). Note you can create a Group to cluster similar fields such as Conflict Check etc. 
  • Title – the name of the field, please avoid including special characters even apostrophe’s 
  • Map Type – Depending on what Record you are customising this will determine when the field will show up using Services as an example you can:
    • Map to Service Type – i.e. only show this field if the service is an information / referral 
    • Problem Type Map Type – i.e. only show this field if it relates to Tenancy / Housing 
  • Available & Show For – Are one in the same and just indicates what Map Type the field should appear for i.e. services or problem types
  • Required For – Makes the field Mandatory depending on the Map Type
  • Type – A dropdown of CLASS Control Types such as a Drop down, Multiple Choice one Answer and or Text Box etc, what data type’s whether they be text, numbers is dependent on what control type you pick.
  • Active  Show the field?
  • Hide Title – Not recommended and only relevant to groupings but will hide the label associated with the field telling you what it is so just leave it unticked in general

Please review this image for the options on the right hand side of the field

Note: Please log in and out of CLASS to see your field if it does not appear on i.e. a service or close and open any open services or whichever CLASS record type / entity you just customised to see your field!

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