3 September 2018

Welcome to the CLASS news bulletin, where we’ll keep you regularly updated on CLASS news, handy tips, issues, fixes, and improvements.

We are pleased to announce a successful major upgrade to CLASS is now available.

This is the first of several information updates providing details of the changes. Please read this and other updates thoroughly as there are changes to many essential functions including Conflict Check and Searches as well as some useful new tools.

An overview video is available here that outlines some of the more significant changes.

The Online User Guide is being continuously updated with additional information and is the best place to start when looking for help.

As always training is available, please register here.

Cache Clear 

As for all updates, it is important to clear your Chrome browser cache to ensure the changes take effect. Please follow the steps here.

Please read the written documentation below, or watch this 10 minute video that summarises the latest changes: 

Conflict Check

Conflict Check used to use a system called called ‘Search and Sort’. This is now more accurately described as ‘Search and Filter’. First search above the line, then filter the results using the filter columns below the line.

Client categories found in the ‘Type’ column have been redefined. These are now:

  • Full Clients – previously ‘Clients’
    Records with at least one Full Service attached. A Full Service is a service for the individual other than an Information or Referral.
  • Non-Clients
    This is a new category. The person does not have any Full Services attached, only Informations or Referrals. This can happen if your centre allows for names and addresses to be saved for Information and Referral services in the CLASS Intake process.

    Many centres have turned this function off, but historical records will remain. These records may have a duplicate Full Client record, and Administrators can now merge these client records (See Client Merge Tool below).
  • Triage-Client
    These records are from the Triage list. There may also be a duplicate Full or Non-Client record, which will be remedied when the Triage service is converted to a proper service.


Triage services can now be assigned to existing clients.

From inside the Triage service, change the Service type to the desired Full Service, then proceed to ‘Conflict Check’ to search for the existing Full Client. Clicking ‘Existing’ Client button in Conflict check will add your newly transformed service to the existing client.

Be careful not to click “New Client” in conflict check, or a duplicate client will be created, which will then need to be merged.

More information available here.

Non-Clients Searching

This is a new search function that will only find Non-Clients.

This search has been added to the left-hand side CLASS sub-menu. To find Full Clients, please instead use the regular Client Search.

Search Clients Format Change

Search Clients function now uses the 2-step Conflict Check “Search and Filter” Style, formerly known as Search and Sort. This makes searching people (or organisations) consistent across CLASS, and enables more complex searching methods.

There is also an important new button found only in Search Clients called “Show All”, found at top right corner next to ‘Search’ and ‘Clear’. This will pull up a list of all Full Clients in your centre, that can now be filtered below the line. This was required for users who are not sure of exact criteria such as Name, Location or Address, but still allows for searching on criteria available in the filters such as date ranges and using filter builder.

Client Details Editing

Once a client record is saved name, address, email and phone number can now only be edited from the “Additional Details” tab of the Client Record.

This is to prevent accidental overwriting from the Client  tab.

Copy Service Tool

It is now possible to quickly copy an existing service for the same Client from the Client / Client Services Tab.

Select the service from the Client Services list and click the ‘Copy’ icon. The new service will be added to the list highlighted in green. The new service will need any new mandatory fields completed such as Date Created, which is wiped to ensure a correct new date. All Additional parties will be copied into the new service, so delete if not accurate. Actions will not be copied. Ensure you save the service once these details are confirmed.

Please Note: Conflict Check all parties before copying the service. More information available here.

Merge Clients Tool

Users with CLASS Administrator permission can access a new ‘Client Merge’ function from the Tools menu. Please be very careful before using this tool and ensure that you are absolutely certain that the records both refer to the same client.

You will need the Client ID of both records, and then decide which record will remain, and which will be merged. Different names or addresses will be saved as additional details in final resultant single client. All services will be copied into the single client. A PDF of both original Client details (but not services details) will be copied into single client Documents.

More information available here.

Bulk Insert

Users with CLASS Administrator permissions can now access the new Bulk Insert tool for the monthly addition of Referral and Information Services. This is found in the CLASS Tools menu.

Records are created for each month, with separate records for Facilitated and Simple Referral Types. Information services can be bulk added to either of these categories, via the far right ‘Information Only’ column of the numbers grid, located under the ‘Details’ Tab.

It is important to note the front ‘Bulk Insert’ tab of each record has an important tick box called “Locked”. This must be unticked to add or edit numbers in the numbers grid. Once you have completed your record and saved, tick the “Locked” box and save the record again, as this will add the Information and Services numbers to Service Count reports.

More information available here.

Please Note: Information and Referrals records from the Bulk insert tool are NOT currently available in Reporting. The problem is in the reports rather than the new tool and will be fixed shortly.

Colour Scheme

You will notice that new colours have been added to the tabs along the top of the CLASS window.

Clients are now shown in green, while open Services are shown in orange. This is so you can more quickly visually recognise what you are looking for.

DIY Reports – Coming Soon

Users with administrative permissions may see a new set of Reports with the DIY prefix.

These Do It Yourself (DIY) reports are complex and currently being retested in the ‘live’ environment. We will let you know when they are fully functional and available.

Need Help?

Call Helpdesk: 1300 484 498 
Email Helpdesk:
(As always please include your name, centre, state and contact details, so we can get back to you.)

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