19 October 2017

Welcome to the CLASS news bulletin, where we’ll keep you regularly updated on CLASS news, handy tips, issues, fixes, and improvements.


Centre reports

The first release of CLASS centre reports (‘Batch 1’) were made available to centres on Thursday 28 September. Resources on how to run reports, as well as the purpose and definitions behind each report, are available on our Reporting page here:

There are many questions about the reports and how they work, most of which are explained in the notes on each report. We are confident that other than the known issues which are documented eg RRR data, the reports are producing accurate data (data entry issues aside).

We are treating reporting issues as a high priority and are escalating all bugs or issues to the developers as soon as possible. If you have a query about reports that is not answered in under FAQs, please email


Accountability has now been rolled out to all states. Some centres and SPMs have reported some issues when using this function. Thank you to those of you who have provided feedback.

The issues include:

  • Unable to export/print ‘Consolidated’ Funds Reports/Budget
  • Duplicate rows in Annual Targets, after saving (some centres only)
  • Projection for next year’s surplus/deficit is not including the value entered in previous year’s surplus/deficit. This affects the 6 and 12 months funds reports.

We have raised these with the developer, who will provide an update and ETA for resolution as soon as possible.


Critical dates changes in CLASS

There have been recent changes introduced to CLASS. The CLASS team has streamlined the creation of critical dates and other actions.  Whereas previously you could create critical dates in both the actions and critical dates tab; users now create all actions, including those that have critical dates, within the Actions Tab.
Once you have set and saved a critical date within the actions page of a client service, you will also be able to see it in the critical dates page. Note that the critical dates page will only show critical dates, whereas the Actions tab will show all types of actions.

Court name change in CLASS

The Federal Magistrates Court has now been renamed as the Federal Circuit Court. The CLASS Team will be changing the current Federal Magistrates Court option to the Federal Circuit Court on Friday 20 October.

Centres who are currently using this option should note that the name will change on this date and should continue using as usual.

Centres who have created a custom option for Federal Circuit Court can contact the Helpdesk for assistance to map their custom option correctly, on

Problem Types and Data Standards review

CLCs Australia is coordinating a national review of all problem types used in CLASS. The purpose of the review is to update terminology, and achieve consistency across the country, or state/territory where relevant. We started the ball rolling on this at the National CLC Conference in Canberra and are in the process of setting up a series of working groups to help get your feedback.

We will also be in touch with the national networks, or groups of specialist centres. In addition, these groups will look at how CLCs should be implementing the Data Standards. We will keep you updated as this work progresses.

In Development

Performance and stability

A lot has been going on behind the scenes to improve CLASS performance, with the ultimate goal of improving stability and speed for users. The good news is, after a couple of false starts, the developers have now improved performance issues for most centres resulting in greater speed and fewer connection errors. We continue to work with the developers to look for further improvements to enhance the speed and stability of the system.

There was also a glitch early last week unrelated to this work. It appears our Cloud host Microsoft Azure generated some errors that may have been caused by the shift from daylight savings. This meant our CLASS Server scaling was delayed and disrupted, causing some users to be kicked off CLASS in the morning hours. Scaling is the process of ramping the power of our Server up and down to match demand, e.g. more power during business hours. This issue was resolved by Azure, and since then we have seen a marked improvement in stability, as well as more efficient scaling. We are now moving more of our focus to delivering better speeds when using the CLASS application.

If you require further support or have queries, please contact the Helpdesk at: or 1300 484 498. Just a reminder, if you contact the Helpdesk, please include a description of the issue or question, the time the issue occurred, what you were doing at the time and a screenshot of the problem, if applicable.


Review of training modules

We are currently reviewing our training modules for our Introduction, Administrators, Community Projects and Reporting training. If you have specific requests for training, this is a great time to have your say and contribute to the structure of our revised training modules.

We will be updating our training calendar over the coming weeks. Once our training calendar is updated, you can view and register for our training dates via our CLASS Training page here:


We’d like to thank CLASS users for sharing their feedback and suggestions throughout its roll out. Your suggestions and feedback contribute to the continued development and usability of CLASS. If you have suggestions, questions, or feedback; please email us at

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