Welcome to the June 2019 issue of CLASS News
Coming to You Soon – Release 6
After much anticipation, we are proud to announce that Release 6 will be made available for you to use in July. We are pretty sure that the exciting new features and fixes rolled out in this release will improve your experience of CLASS.
Release 6 includes features and fixes that include:
- Making it easier for you to correct the location where a service was provided using geotagging.
This function will give you the ability to re-tag the existing geotag attached to a service. Normally the location of a service corresponds with the client’s address at the time the service was created. If the client’s address changed, even if you changed the client’s address on the system, the tag would only show the client’s previous address. CLASS has been updated to allow you to re-tag the address to correspond to their current address.
- Providing more additional party information in CLASS mobile.
This upgrade means the mobile version of CLASS now displays whether the additional party involved in the matter is a related party or the other party. The update ensures conflict checking on CLASS mobile is easy and hassle free.
- Allowing your Centre to Customise and Re-order Problem Types.
This new feature allows Centres (as opposed to individual users) to customise problem types. It also allows Centres to re-order all problem types, so the most common ones appear at the top of the drop-down list.
- Giving you the ability to copy Project Services.
This should help you cut down the time it takes to do data entry by allowing you to copy an existing project service when you are entering a new project service that is similar. This copy function retains some of the information and details in some fields while leaving the date delivered blank.
Don’t forget to check that all fields are correct!
- More accurate CLE counts.
This will allow you to accurately compute the total number of people accessing Community Legal Education (CLE).
- Giving your Centre more flexibility in using the ‘Assigned To’ field on the Service page.
This improvement will make it possible to decide whether the ‘Assigned To’ field should be mandatory or not – to better suit how your Centre uses CLASS.
- Improving the usability of the Conflict Check.
This improvement means you can do broader searches “above the line” which you can then narrow down “below the line” to make sure you can find any names relevant to a conflict check even when there has been inaccuracy in data entry – such as wrong spelling of names or incorrect phone numbers
- Making the Client ID search easier.
Currently, when searching for the client ID below the line, you must click ‘show all’ which brings up all the centre’s clients before being able to search for the client ID. This extra step has been removed and you can now search for the client ID below the line directly.
We look forward to your feedback on these new functions
CLASS Progression Timeline 2019 – 2020
We are constantly updating and working on CLASS to make it easier and more efficient for you to use.
A lot of things happen behind the scenes some of which you might not even be aware of! We try our best to incorporate all the feedback we receive into our plans.
This diagram outlines our plans for CLASS over the next year.

Did You Know? CLASS User Manual and Data Consistency Guide – Live on New Website
The CLASS User Manual and the Data Consistency Guide have both been relocated to the new CLCs Australia website.
The CLASS User Manual can now be found on User manual
The Data Consistency Guide can now be found on https://naclc.info/DataGuide/About
While the website is still being trialled, the CLASS User Manual and the Data Consistency Guide are live at the locations above. We hope that you will experience fewer technical difficulties using the CLASS User Manual at this new location.
Please let us know at naclc@classhelp.org.au if you have any difficulties using the guides.
We’d like to thank CLASS users for sharing their feedback and suggestions regarding the CLASS system. Your suggestions and feedback contribute to the continued development and usability of CLASS.
If you have suggestions, questions, or feedback; please email us at naclc@classhelp.org.au.
Need Help?
Call Helpdesk: 1300 484 498
Email Helpdesk: naclc@classhelp.org.au
(As always please include your name, centre, state and contact details, so we can get back to you.)