Welcome to CLASS News for August 2018.
Important Announcement:
A major release will be uploaded to CLASS on Friday 31st August.
CLASS will be unavailable from 7pm AEST until Monday 3rd September.
Please ensure you have logged out of the system before 7pm AEST on Friday 31st August
We apologise for any inconvenience. Due to the size and technical complexity of the release, we are unable to start the process any later that night.
New Reports Available
A couple of new Service Count reports have recently become available.
We encourage you to have a look and experiment with them and as always, contact the Help Desk if you have any questions after reading the User Guide.
S01 Services for Individuals Count (Custom)
A service count report that provides the ability to break down service type by Office, Outreach location, Administrative and Regional Boundaries. This report is the Services version of C03. More information available here.
N05 Services to Priority Clients (Custom)
This report counts services based on demographic information of the relevant client, service type, or any combination of the above. More information available here.
If you aren’t able to see these new reports, please try clearing your cache.
CLASS at the National CLCs Conference
The National CLCs Conference is this week!
Want to find out more about latest and future developments in CLASS?
The CLASS Help Desk team will also be located on the ground floor at the Conference venue. Drop by and say hello or book in an appointment to have a longer discussion.
Come to one or all of the following sessions:
Matrix Reloaded – CLASS Project Update: Where it started, Where we are, What’s happening soon
Tuesday 11.30 – 1pm
Matrix Revolutions – Geolocation, DIY Reports and the potential of CLASS Reporting
Wednesday 1.30 – 3pm
Enter the Matrix Advanced – CLASS Training for Advanced Users and Administrators
Wednesday 3.30 – 5pm
Enter the Matrix Intro – CLASS Introduction Training for New Users
Thursday 11 – 12.30pm
Please see the video here and discover all the opportunities available to hear about the upcoming exciting possibilities soon to be available to Centres. Check out the full program and tickets here

Need Help?
Call Helpdesk: 1300 484 498
Email Helpdesk: naclc@classhelp.org.au
(As always please include your name, centre, state and contact details, so we can get back to you.)