The CLASS Team is working very hard on getting reports for funding bodies and centres within a four to six week timeframe. Getting reporting ready is our highest priority. In the meantime, centres can use the Filter Builder to generate some service statistics and reports. You can learn how to use the Filter Builder on Confluence here:
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National Legal Assistance Data Standards
The CLASS Helpdesk has received a number of enquiries about the National Legal Assistance Data Standards and counting rules. We are working on improving our resources to assist Centres in deciding how to implement these standards. If you have an enquiry about data standards definitions you can consult the Risk Management Guide, or if you need clarification on counting rules; contact the CLASS Help Desk on
Recent CLASS Issues
Conflict Check
A recent Helpdesk enquiry has provided the CLASS Team with a training opportunity. When performing a conflict check, please ensure that there are no blank spaces before all Conflict Check fields ie First Name, Last name, Phone etc. of the person you are conflict checking.
- Leaving a blank space in front of the First Name field will create a search for that name provided as a secondary first name or middle name and result in reduced search results. e.g searching for [‘ Jane’] with a space in front might show Wendy Jane Smith in your results, but not Jane Smith.
- In the rest of the fields i.e Last Name search field, a blank space before the name will show no results.

Can’t delete a duplicate client?
Some centres have identified duplicate clients in CLASS created as a result of an existing client being created again via the triage process. Currently, triage services can be added to new clients only. The developers are working on resolving this bug.
These duplicates do not show up in Search Clients/Services, but they can show up in conflict search results. The CLASS Team are working on a process for de-duping clients, and deleting these ‘pretend’ clients.
We recognise the inconvenience of repeat client records appearing in search results. Until these fixes are rolled out, we recommend this temporary solution:
- Users can add “delete” before the person’s first name. This will allow users to easily distinguish true clients and disregard duplicate search results during a conflict search.
- You can then easily search for ‘Delete’ by first name once the delete mechanism has been delivered.

Problem Types & Parent Types
A number of centres have reported a disruption to their problem types or parent types following the recent update on 24 June. The CLASS Team is going through each standard problem type to ensure the correct law type and parent is recorded. This will not effect the Users or records, however it is important it is correct for reporting purposes. You can email the CLASS Team Helpdesk for assistance here:
New online sessions for July & August
We’ve just updated our training calendar with online training sessions scheduled for July and August. You can register for the Introduction to CLASS or CLASS Administrators Training here:
- Page:Training
CLASS Community Projects Training
We’re pleased to announce that we’ll be delivering CLASS Community Projects Training starting in August 2017, which will cover:
- Overview of the database
- What’s new/different to CLSIS
- How to add Projects and Project Services
- Add Project Services and edit existing services
- Basic filter building
You can take a look at what our training sessions cover on the CLASS Training Modules:
*Drops the mic*
The CLASS Team recently ran the numbers and we’ve worked out that since launching in January, we’ve delivered 167 hours of online training and 102 hours of face-to-face training – adding up to an impressive 269 hours!
Do you have requests for specific training? Send us some feedback and tell us what you’d like a training session to focus on:
If you’ve recently attended a training session and would like to give us some feedback, you can fill out our feedback form here.
We’d like to thank CLASS users for sharing their feedback and suggestions throughout the roll out of CLASS. Your suggestions and feedback contribute to the continued development and useability of CLASS. If you have suggestions, questions, or feedback; please email us at