19 July 2019

Welcome to the CLASS news bulletin, where we’ll keep you regularly updated on CLASS news, handy tips, issues, fixes, and improvements.

Confluence Online Manuals Updated

The CLASS Team has been busy updating training material on the Confluence website. Latest updates include: homepage and easier navigation, making helpdesk requests: a JIRA how-to, printing and exporting client/service details and templates and conflict check.


The CLASS Team is working very hard on getting reports for funding bodies to ensure that CLCs continue to receive Commonwealth funding, and these are currently on target to be finalised soon. We will be providing an update on reporting for CLCs in next week’s communications.

In the meantime, centres can use the Filter Builder to generate some service statistics and reports. Learn how to use the Filter Builder on Confluence here: 

Content by label

There is no content with the specified labels

CLASS User Tips


The move to CLASS has introduced some functions not offered by CLSIS. One timesaving indexing trick is the use of Keywords. Users can create Keywords to tag clients and service records to highlight particular characteristics or references, such as potential case studies or projects.

Users can do keyword searches, pulling up desired data quickly and easily. Users can also include the keyword search field among other fields to be visible in both client and service search results.

Recent Class Issues

Clear Sort / Delete Selected Records

A recent enquiry has alerted the Helpdesk to a particular search issue in CLASS. If a user performs a search and selects records from their results, then chooses to ‘Clear Sort’ without first unselecting those records, those records will not be unselected when a user clicks Clear Sort.

This is potentially a problem if a user attempts to a delete record and does not realise that previously selected records will also be included if they are not first unselected before a user clicks Clear Sort and performs another search. However, the Delete Warning box does state the number of records selected that will be deleted.

Records are unselected when tabs are closed, or when you log out of CLASS. This is only an issue when doing multiple searches in one ‘session’, requiring a user to use Clear Sort.

We’re currently working on fixing this. However, we recommend that users always use care when deleting records.

Online Training

New Online Training Sessions for July to September including CLASS Community Projects Training

The CLASS Team has updated the training calendar with online training sessions scheduled up to September. Register for the Introduction to CLASS or CLASS Administrators training, and the new CLASS Community Projects here: 

You can take a look at what our training sessions cover on the Training Modules outline here: 


If you’ve recently attended a training session and would like to give us some feedback, you can fill out our feedback form here.


We’d like to thank CLASS users for sharing their feedback and suggestions throughout the roll out. Your suggestions and feedback contribute to the continued development and usability of CLASS. If you have suggestions, questions, or feedback; please email us at