Case Study:

Family law court support for Alyssa

Alyssa is separating from her husband and trying to arrange a property settlement and make arrangements about their children. She is not eligible for a Representation Service but cannot afford a private lawyer. It is a reasonably straightforward matter as Alyssa and her husband agree on the majority of the issues. The Service Provider agrees to providing Ongoing Legal Support to Alyssa. They provide her with a Client Agreement which sets out (amongst other items) the following scope of services:

We will:

  • Provide general advice and information in relation to your de facto property settlement and parenting arrangements;
  • Assist you to obtain disclosure in relation to relevant financial information;
  • Assist you in drafting your proposal and/or response to the Husband’s letter of offer;
  • Assist you in the preparation of your Federal Circuit Court Application, Affidavit, and Form 4; 
  • Assist you to prepare for the conciliation conference/ final hearing of your matter;
  • Other work as agreed from time to time and subject to our availability to undertake such work.

Our work does not include:

  • Representing you in your matter;
  • Corresponding with your former spouse or the other party; 
  • Appearing at court or other conferences

This support is counted as one Ongoing Legal Support Service.