Stakeholder Engagement


Stakeholder Engagement Activities are the engagement by the Centre with other agencies, groups or key individuals who affect or could be affected by the Centre’s work. 

Typical Stakeholder Engagement Activities include:

  • holding meetings with key stakeholders to talk about the work of the Centre
  • participating in national, state, territory and local meetings to improve the co­ordination and delivery of legal services
  • participating in national, state, territory and local bodies to represent the interests of the legal assistance providers and Service Users
  • making and implementing collaborative arrangements with other legal and non­legal service providers to integrate and improve coordination across the legal assistance system.

How many services?

Each Stakeholder Engagement Activity has a specific deliverable and usually (but not always) occurs on one date.

For example, a Service Provider may prepare for and attend a jurisdictional forum in the morning, and a meeting with senior public servants in the afternoon. This would be counted as two Stakeholder Engagement activities. The number of people in attendance at each Stakeholder Engagement Activity could be recorded as a service characteristic.

Case studies and examples

Some Community Project activities do not fall neatly into one Service Type or another. See Community Project for examples.

If you have specific case studies for Stakeholder Engagement, please send them to us – see the Feedback page.