Community Projects

Community Projects, also called Services to the Community, brings together (see Groupings) all the work that Centres do with communities or with groups of people that cannot be defined as one-on-one service to an individual.

It is important to know that in CLASS, in order for particular services to the community to be counted, Centres need to first create a Project and then create individual services underneath the Project.

Some Community Project activities do not fall neatly into one Service Type or another. The Centre has to just make a call depending on the best fit; what is important is that the work is being captured as some type of service so the Centre can report to funding bodies as well as to retain corporate knowledge.  

Example 1: 
A Centre goes to meet with the local MP’s office to promote the work of the Centre, explain what the Centre can do for the MP’s constituents, and discuss a current law reform issue relating to discrimination law. 

This could be recorded as a Stakeholder Engagement Activity or a Law and Legal Service Reform Activity, depending on the primary purpose for the meeting. If the Centre is using CLASS, they need to determine which Community Project the activity sits under – for example, if there is already a Community Project called Discrimination Law Reform 2019, then the meeting with the MP could be recorded as a LLSR Activity.

Example 2:  
A Centre organises a Centre Open Day during Law Week and invites local community workers, MPs, the Mayor, and the general public.  The purpose of the Open Day is to raise awareness of the work of the Centre and educate members of the public about where they can go for help.  The Open Day includes Centre staff holding 15 minute talks about the law in key areas eg tenancy, debts, family law.

The organisation and running of the event this could be recorded through a new Community Project Open Day 2020, and then recorded as a service type of either Stakeholder Engagement, Community Education Activity or CLE Activity. 

CLCs Australia is reviewing how CLASS records Community Projects.  Please continue to provide your feedback about how we might continue to improve Community Projects, and your case studies illustrating different service types within Community Projects.

The Community Project Service types are set out below: