Position Senior Family Lawyer – Southside Justice – St Kilda VIC

Southside Justice, in partnership with Peninsula Community Legal Centre and South East Community Links, is seeking an experienced family lawyer to join the REACHHer project. This initiative aims to support women escaping family violence and multicultural women facing vulnerabilities by providing integrated legal services, financial counselling and psychosocial support to secure safe housing. The Senior Family Lawyer will provide property law advice and casework, including representation, to women eligible for the REACHHer Project. They will be a key member of a project team dedicated to exploring housing options and advocating for systemic reform with financial institutions and government bodies. This role offers a unique opportunity to contribute to an initiative that will have a lasting impact on women’s housing and economic security.

How to apply

Please review the full position description and apply via EthicalJobs. If you would like to discuss this role in more detail, please contact Mel Dye by email, using the subject line: Senior Family Lawyer enquiry, or by phone.