EOIs for breakout sessions and poster presentations have now closed

The submission period for expressions of interest is now over. We’ve had a wonderful response to the call for EOIs, and Community Legal Centres Australia and the Conference Advisory Group are now in the process of reviewing submissions with the intention of releasing a draft program in April. We extend out thanks to everyone who made an EOI submission; you will be advised about the outcome of your submission in the coming months. Please remember that all presenters must register for the conference.

Please email conference@clcs.org.au with any questions about the EOI process.

Key dates

  • EOI submissions closed on Friday 21 February 2025.
  • Authors will be notified of the outcome of their breakout session submission in the week of 7 April 2025; all communications about your EOI submission(s) will be sent to the email address you provide in your application.
  • Authors will be notified of the outcome of their poster submission in May; we will prioritise assessing breakout session EOIs in March and early April so that we can release a draft program to the sector before conference registration opens.
  • We will release a draft conference program to the sector by mid-April; early-bird registration will open soon after.