RMG Review Process Outline

Latest updates

The agreed RMG Review Scope and Issues List can be found here, following consultation with the sector and National PII Network.

The draft proposed revisions to the Mandatory Standards is also available here as of October 2022. This contains a list of the new headings for the standards and elements which compromise the standards, following consultation with the National PII Network.

CLCs Australia is currently consulting with the PII Network and will soon share a more detailed version that includes the heading, elements and the wording for each standard.


Community Legal Centres Australia (CLCs Australia) is undertaking a review of the Risk Management Guide (RMG) in consultation with the PII Network.

The RMG is a legal practice management resource for Centres and sets out the minimum standards for legal and related service delivery. Member Centres are required to comply with the RMG for participation in the National PII Scheme and for the purposes of accreditation.  

The first edition of the RMG was published in 2011 and the second edition was published in 2017. As such, it is now time for the RMG to be reviewed and updated again.

We regularly receive feedback about the RMG. The current version is perceived by some to be very lengthy, to contain repetition and to not have an intuitive flow.  Additionally, with many Centres moving to electronic files there is a need to reflect this in the RMG. The review of the RMG is an opportunity to consider the entire guide and the Mandatory Standards contained within it to make sure the guide is fit for purpose, is accessible, easy to follow and up to date.

Consultation Plan

The review of the RMG is accompanied by a thorough consultation plan, agreed with the PII Network, which identifies key stakeholders and methods of consultation at different stages of the review and ensures sector input.

  • The National PII Network is the key stakeholder in the review of the RMG. The CLCs Australia Project Lead Liz Wells attends the monthly PII Network meetings to provide updates and information in relation to developments of the review.
  • Other key stakeholders (such as specific CLCs, lawyers, social workers, communication specialists, financial counsellors and Regional Accreditation Coordinators) will have opportunities to input their views, so that their expertise can be utilised and the final document has support from across the sector.
  • There will be broad consultation to canvass the views of the entire sector about the issues that will need to be considered during the course of the review and updates to the Mandatory Standards.

Sector Survey

In March 2022, a survey was sent to the sector seeking feedback on the scope of the RMG review and the key issues to be considered during the RMG review project. A PDF copy of the survey can be found for preview only here.

Contact Us

Please contact us at rmg@clcs.org.au to provide feedback during the course of the review.

We look forward to working together on an updated RMG which effectively supports Centres to identify and address risks in legal and related practice.