Community Legal Centres Australia Welcomes ALRC Report on Justice Responses to Sexual Violence

6 March 2025

Community Legal Centres Australia has welcomed the release of the Australian Law Reform Commission’s (ALRC) report into justice responses to sexual violence, calling it a crucial step towards a fairer and more trauma-informed legal system for victim-survivors.

Arlia Fleming, Chair of Community Legal Centres Australia, said the report highlights long-overdue reforms needed to ensure that victim-survivors are supported, believed, and able to access justice, including transformative approaches to justice, without further harm.

“For too long, victim-survivors of sexual violence have faced systemic barriers that deter reporting, deny justice, and compound trauma. The ALRC’s report provides a clear roadmap for change—one that prioritises safety, dignity, and accountability,” Arlia Fleming said.

Community legal centres across the country see firsthand the devastating impact of a legal system that does not deliver justice to victim-survivors. The ALRC’s recommendations—particularly those aimed at improving legal processes, specialist support services, and trauma-informed approaches—are vital to creating meaningful change.

The report recognises that some community legal centres and Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) are already providing the type of legal advice envisioned in Recommendation 1. However, there is a critical lack of resources, with demand far exceeding capacity. The ALRC has made it clear that every person who has experienced sexual violence should have access to legal information and advice—something that cannot be achieved without urgent and sustained investment.

The ALRC also found that public funding is inadequate to meet demand for legal services relating to victims’ compensation, including criminal injury and other compensation schemes. There is an acute lack of legal assistance for these schemes, particularly in regional and remote areas, where victim-survivors often struggle to access the support they need. Addressing these funding shortfalls must be a priority to ensure all victim-survivors have a fair chance at securing compensation and redress.

Community Legal Centres Australia also welcomes the immediate support for the continuation and expansion of the sexual assault legal service pilots being driven by Women’s Legal Services Australia (WLSA) members in partnership with other providers. These services play a critical role in providing victim-survivors with legal assistance, advocacy, and support.

“We urge governments at all levels to move swiftly to implement these recommendations. Reform must be more than words on paper—it must translate into real, tangible improvements for those who need it most. We also look forward to working with the government as it considers a more detailed response to this important report,” Arlia Fleming said.

Community Legal Centres Australia remains committed to working with policymakers, legal professionals, and survivor advocates to ensure these reforms lead to a justice system that better serves all Australians.


Media contact:
Arlia Fleming, Chair, Community Legal Centres Australia