Project Lawyer – Justice Connect – Melbourne VIC

Develop resources and deliver education promoting the legal rights of older people tailored for health and community sector professionals, pro bono lawyers and community members. Oversee the continuation of Seniors Law’s evidence-based future planning project, including by promoting the use of  ‘Conversation Guides’ with health and community partners and older people across Victoria. Utilising the Conversation Guides, deliver tailored workshops to groups of older people to facilitate discussion about future decisions and getting older. Work with Seniors Law’s Manager and pro bono member firms to implement and enhance an innovative ‘pro bono referral clinics’, which prioritises older people on a low income seeking to access a free service to execute future planning documents. Contribute to the implementation of Seniors Law’s current program-level strategy by leveraging technology and improving efficiency, and scale existing services to prevent and better respond to financial elder abuse.

How to apply

Please upload your resume and a cover letter which outlines your skills and experience that will help you achieve success in this role.