Client Record Tabs

Client Tabs

Opening a Client’s record from Search Client will open the clients file with these five tabs: Client, Additional Details, Client Services, Documents (depends on permission), and Client Audit.

Click on client to display the client form which contains Client details.

Additional Details 

Additional details for the Client can be found under the Additional details tab. Clicking the tab will display the 

This is a list of all the services that

Below are the tabs information found on the client form once a Client has been created. The name of the client is indicated in the image below as Jane Smith.

Additional Details Tab

This contains details such as other name, addresses and emails, and is divided into the 4 sections shown below.

Additional Names

1. Click on New.

2. Fill in the details in the Client Name Details for the fields displayed in the window below.

3. To set the New Name as the Primary Name tick on the Primary check box indicated below. 

Additional Address

4. Click on New under the Additional address section.

5. Fill in the details in the Client Address Details for the fields displayed in the window below.

Additional Emails

6. To add an additional email click on New under the Additional email section.

7. Fill in the email details in the Client Email Details fields displayed in the window below.

Additional Phone

8. Click on New under the Additional phone section.

9. Fill in the email details in the Client Phone Details fields displayed in the window below.

10. Once details are filled out click on Save found on the top right and this creates the Client in CLASS.

The client will then appear on the list.

Client Services 

The Client Service tab displays a list of Services that a client is receiving 


1. To view the Tab Click on Client Services tab.

2. Once the Client Services tab is clicked you can view a list of all the services, these may be previous or current.

3. Once a list of Services is displayed, to open a service Click on the Service ID

4. You can Create a new service by clicking on New.

It is important to note that your permissions may not allow you to create a new service from this menu and the New button may not be displayed. 

Client Audit 

1.To view the Tab Click on Client Audit tab as below.


Refer to Document Management page here 
